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DIY your SEO: Things you can do yourself to improve your website search engine rankings

Professional SEO is something many businesses invest in to help improve the performance of their websites. It is recommended to have your website up for at least three months before you launch an SEO strategy as it will take this long for your site to find its natural ranking, which will give you a clear starting point. If you are not yet ready to enlist the help of an expert, there are some simple steps you can do immediately. This can apply either during the construction stage of a new site or as a first level of SEO on an under-performing existing site.
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What is content marketing and why do we need it?

content marketingContent marketing is an umbrella term that includes all the different ways to communicate within a

marketing, lead generation and retention framework.

To take it a step further, content marketing refers to any piece of content—including tweets, blog posts, YouTube videos, downloadable white papers, email newsletters, webinars and website articles— that is created with the purpose to build a direct relationship with prospects and customers.

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Why your website fails to deliver

Top 10 CRO fails that has traffic leaving your website as soon as they find it

Website fails1. Low quality visuals

One of the key reasons people navigate away from a website in the first few seconds are to do with the visual design. If the design layout looks suspect or unprofessional, or is not connecting the visitor with your business in a positive way, then they will be gone before you can say ‘Welcome, here is our business.’

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Nailing the brief: How to get the right website for your business

nailing the brief

Your Web design is an important part of your business. The decisions you make around how it looks and functions will affect how it performs in generating more enquiries and sales.

If you don’t know what to tell your web designer, or your web designer sells you a site design package that is not right for you, you could end up with something that doesn’t serve your business as well as it should.

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The dangers of DIY websites – why place your business at risk?

Building a website no longer requires knowing or learning HTML code. Now there are options galore including Content Management System (CMS) choices such as WordPress and Joomla and free ‘builders’ such as Squarespace, Weebly and Wix. Even some larger business service providers are pushing free ‘drag and drop’ site builders as an added bonus to their customers.

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Mobile devices take the lead in Google searches worldwide

web design sliderThis month Google announced its search volume is now dominated by mobile searches worldwide. For the first time, over 50% of all of Google’s queries worldwide were done on mobile devices, and this this figure is expected to keep growing.
This is a real market game-changer for businesses with an online presence as it means over half of their potential new customers who come from search engine traffic could be lost to competitors with a responsive website. It also means those businesses who do have responsive sites will be ranked – and found – ahead of those who have not embraced the new technology.
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