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How to find more time in your week to focus on being successful
Everyone you talk to says they are busy – busy with work, with family with stuff that needs doing at home. But hardly anyone is truly productive. There are only 24 hours in every day and not matter how hard you try you can’t squeeze a single extra minute out of it.
What if you could get back some of your working week? An extra few hours a week to spend on anything you wanted – whether it’s finishing the gazebo in the back yard, playing with your kids or securing a lucrative contract that has stalled because you are just too busy.
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When is the right time to invest in a website?
As a business mentor and online specialist, I often get asked; when is the right time to get a website.
My answer is always: at what point is NOT having a fully functioning, professional website costing you money?
How much business are you potentially losing because of your lack of an online presence?
The same applies for businesses with out of date websites that haven’t had the content updated for years and may no longer even function properly with the latest devices and operating systems.
The longer you put off having a fully responsive, professional website promoting your business, the more money you are losing.
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The truth about SEO – it’s not about fooling Google
Craig Cochrane shares his insights into SEO best practice as a key part of Web Tonic’s web marketing services.
There are plenty of operators out there who claim to offer better search engine rankings for your website. They fill your inbox, phone your office and bombard you with technical babble about how they can drive more visitors to your website and get your pages ranking number one with Google. Whilst not all SEO marketers are peddling fancy tricks and over-priced packages, too many of them are using methods designed to ‘cheat’ the algorithm.
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Top 10 Sustainable Search Engine Optimisation techniques
There is no such thing as a quick fix in Search Engine Optimisation!
To get consistently good page rankings and optimal search engine results requires a well-planned well researched strategy and a clear understanding of how Google assesses your website in relation to searches.
Google offers better presentation of URLS in search results
Google has announced that in order to help mobile searchers understand your website better in mobile search results they’re changing the way they appear on the screen. The change involves updating the algorithms that display URLs in the search results, so that they show the real-world name of the site instead of the domain name.
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Google Shuts Out Non-responsive Websites
Google announced this month its plans to filter search results from mobile devices to favour responsive websites. From 21 April a site’s ability to be viewed on mobile Google searches will be significantly impaired as the search engine giant will rank non-responsive sites lower than those responsive to different screen sizes.
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How good is your website conversion rate?
It’s easy to get caught up in driving more traffic to your website by focusing on search engine optimisation and other marketing, but more visitors does not automatically equate to more enquiries. If you are like most businesses with a website, you are probably neglecting the most important area in achieving a higher return on your investment: conversion.
Conversion is when you instigate engagement from the people that go to your web site—you must find a way to increase conversions (acts of reading, viewing, commenting, subscribing, purchasing, or making an enquiry) to achieve a better return on your investment.
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The myth around keeping important web content ‘Above the fold’
When it comes to web design, there is a lot of talk around visitors missing important information because they have to scroll to see it. The idea is to keep this vital information ‘Above the Fold’.
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7 ways to get more business from your landing pages
Landing pages are the web pages where visitors arrive from an external link or search result. In other words, a landing page is where they first land on your website. A landing page is often a potential customer’s first exposure to your business. It is crucial, therefore to give a good first impression.
Typically, your homepage is your website’s landing page, but you can have as many landing pages as you wish. It is considered good business practice to create multiple landing pages, each with a particular market or result in mind.
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Google calls for widespread conversion to a secure URL
Google has announced that going to HTTPS — adding a SSL 2048-bit key certificate on your site — will give you a minor ranking boost.