Why should visitors stay longer on your website?

Why visitor stay longerIn our earlier blog we talked about bringing quality visitors to your website rather than just looking to achieve a higher volume; a fundamental principle in converting clicks to customers.

This second principle of better website conversion is about getting those quality visitors to do more on your website, for longer. This is an area where you can really make a difference to how your website performs.

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What is content marketing and why do we need it?

content marketingContent marketing is an umbrella term that includes all the different ways to communicate within a

marketing, lead generation and retention framework.

To take it a step further, content marketing refers to any piece of content—including tweets, blog posts, YouTube videos, downloadable white papers, email newsletters, webinars and website articles— that is created with the purpose to build a direct relationship with prospects and customers.

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Why your website fails to deliver

Top 10 CRO fails that has traffic leaving your website as soon as they find it

Website fails1. Low quality visuals

One of the key reasons people navigate away from a website in the first few seconds are to do with the visual design. If the design layout looks suspect or unprofessional, or is not connecting the visitor with your business in a positive way, then they will be gone before you can say ‘Welcome, here is our business.’

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How good is your website conversion rate?

It’s easy to get caught up in driving more traffic to your website by focusing on search engine optimisation and other marketing, but more visitors does not automatically equate to more enquiries. If you are like most businesses with a website, you are probably neglecting the most important area in achieving a higher return on your investment: conversion.

Conversion is when you instigate engagement from the people that go to your web site—you must find a way to increase conversions (acts of reading, viewing, commenting, subscribing, purchasing, or making an enquiry) to achieve a better return on your investment.
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