This month Google announced its search volume is now dominated by mobile searches worldwide. For the first time, over 50% of all of Google’s queries worldwide were done on mobile devices, and this this figure is expected to keep growing.
This is a real market game-changer for businesses with an online presence as it means over half of their potential new customers who come from search engine traffic could be lost to competitors with a responsive website. It also means those businesses who do have responsive sites will be ranked – and found – ahead of those who have not embraced the new technology.
Back in May 2015 it was only the US and several other countries where more than half of Google searches were made from a smartphone or tablet, but now this is the case globally.
What this means for businesses across all countries, including New Zealand, is there are more people searching in Google on their mobile devices than on desktop.
Google’s John Mueller said on Google+:
“More than half of Google’s searches are now coming from mobile. If you haven’t made your site (or your client’s sites) mobile-friendly, you’re ignoring a lot of potential users. “
Google’s move earlier this year to rank all non-responsive websites below mobile friendly sites for all mobile searches now has even greater relevance, as the majority of searches are now in the mobile arena.
If you have not gone mobile friendly yet with your business website, the consensus throughout the marketing industry is: do it quickly or get left behind.
To convert your existing website to a mobile-friendly version before Christmas you need to act now!
Web Tonic can take your existing site design and content and recreate it as a responsive WordPress website. Or, if you prefer, we can have a new mobile-friendly website designed for you.