by Craig Cochrane | May 27, 2016 | Blog, Search Engine Optimisation
It’s been over 12 months now since Google launched its algorithm update to rank responsive websites more favourably for searches from mobile devices. The much-talked-about update was rolled out on April 21 2015, sending ripples through the internet as businesses all over the world scrambled to convert or replace their websites to ensure they were mobile friendly.
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by Craig Cochrane | Oct 27, 2015 | Blog, Website design
This month Google announced its search volume is now dominated by mobile searches worldwide. For the first time, over 50% of all of Google’s queries worldwide were done on mobile devices, and this this figure is expected to keep growing.
This is a real market game-changer for businesses with an online presence as it means over half of their potential new customers who come from search engine traffic could be lost to competitors with a responsive website. It also means those businesses who do have responsive sites will be ranked – and found – ahead of those who have not embraced the new technology.
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