Nailing the brief: How to get the right website for your business

nailing the brief

Your Web design is an important part of your business. The decisions you make around how it looks and functions will affect how it performs in generating more enquiries and sales.

If you don’t know what to tell your web designer, or your web designer sells you a site design package that is not right for you, you could end up with something that doesn’t serve your business as well as it should.

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The dangers of DIY websites – why place your business at risk?

Building a website no longer requires knowing or learning HTML code. Now there are options galore including Content Management System (CMS) choices such as WordPress and Joomla and free ‘builders’ such as Squarespace, Weebly and Wix. Even some larger business service providers are pushing free ‘drag and drop’ site builders as an added bonus to their customers.

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When is the right time to invest in a website?

As a business mentor and online specialist, I often get asked; when is the right time to get a website.

My answer is always: at what point is NOT having a fully functioning, professional website costing you money?

How much business are you potentially losing because of your lack of an online presence?

The same applies for businesses with out of date websites that haven’t had the content updated for years and may no longer even function properly with the latest devices and operating systems.

The longer you put off having a fully responsive, professional website promoting your business, the more money you are losing.
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